Losing Hair Doesn’t Mean Losing Hope

Alopecia areata is a real medical condition that deserves real answers. So even when losing our hair feels like losing everything, we can’t lose our hope for a better future. Effective treatment options are being explored right now through clinical research, and your participation may make a difference.

You may be able to participate in the UP-AA Study if you:

Are between 12 and 63 years old
Have severe patchy hair loss from alopecia areata
Have not been diagnosed with other types of hair loss (including male or female pattern baldness)

If you are interested in participating, the research study doctor or staff will review additional study criteria with you.

Qualified participants will receive all research study–related products (the active investigational product or placebo) and research study–related care at no cost. Participants may be compensated for research study–related travel and expenses.

About the UP-AA Study

The UP-AA Study is a clinical research study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an investigational drug compared to a placebo in achieving hair regrowth and improving the quality of life for participants living with alopecia areata. Participants receive either the investigational product or a placebo (something that looks like the investigational product but has no effect on the body), both administered orally (by mouth).
This research study will last up to 160 weeks (about 3 years). Participants will be assigned randomly to receive either the investigational product or a placebo. After the first 24 weeks (about 6 months) of this study treatment period, some participants will continue to receive their assigned study product (investigational or placebo) for another 28 weeks (about 7 months) while some participants receiving the placebo will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational product. After the end of this second period, some participants will continue to receive their treatment, and some participants receiving the investigational product will be given a different dosage of the investigational product for the next 108 weeks (about 2 years) of the study.

A Clinical Research Study
for Alopecia Areata (AA)

Explore an option for alopecia areata through clinical research.
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